Tuesday, June 2, 2009

IK Multimedia Amplitube Guitar Home Recordings

Great tone serves musicians or particularly in this case, guitarists to stand out from the rest. Tone is one's voice. Exceptional talent combined with a good tone makes outstanding musicians 'exceptional'.
The traditional technique of guitar recording costs artists, producers, and musicians a fortune just to get great tones to print on tape. But for regular people who have the talent but lacks the budget simply can't let the tape rolling on expensive studios. The answer to this is "home recording". And how to get 'the holy tone'? Install "IK Multimedia's Amplitube".
Amplitube software is a program that simulates great guitar amplifier tones used on guitar recordings. Presets can be edited prior or after the recording. Imagine how much you'll shell out on Marshall JTM 45, VOX AC-30, and a Fender Twin Reverb to use them on your first track. "These three will cost me a lifetime man!!".
This is digital. Analog fans will flush this topic. But he whole salad judgement depends on who will taste it. I prefer both, analog and digital, depending on gigs. Both serves me well.

This is an improvisation video going direct to Amplitube using the DI preset. DAW is Sonar 6. A little reverb was added on the mixdown.

A melodic improvisation plugged directly to Amplitube. Delays and reverbs were added only on mixdown.

My lead tone on Amplitube. Screaming yet warm and round neck single coil retaining the tubular tone quality. I Love This Tone!!

The Amplitube Experiment. Three presets interchanging on different parts without any footswitching. No MIDI Program Change assigned. Listen carefully on how tones and effects gradually overlaps during section transitions. I used Steve Vai's backing track on this one.


  1. I'll check out ur music...thx u so much u've been publish it (im sory my english is not to good) ;D thx anyway

  2. oh i forget something, how can u find my blog brother??
    was it from google?? or else?? thx u very much
